Monday, August 15, 2011

Unauthorized Gwinnett County Police entry into my home!

Let me tell you I had a very traumatic day yesterday!

And some how I don't think I have even begun to see the end of what I will have to call nothing less than an abusive use of power not only by the Gwinnett Police Dept. but by Gwinnett Animal Control....

More of the rest of the story to come soon! Mad Evil or Very Mad Sad scratch  My notes on these events are now posted here.

We are fine now but still mad as heck. I have now been able to calm down some and have been busy documenting what my version of what happened is. I intend to get any written reports from LE and others involved to see what their version looks like and to dispute any inaccuracies. (I am already aware of many of what I would call lies.) Trying to figure out if filing a complaint is necessary or just filing my version of the story to stand in contrast to the lies of others who clearly have a motive to hide and cover up their errors in judgment when they clearly were stomping on my constitutional and civil rights by barging into my home without a probable cause. I don't need any more battles to fight right now and I certainly don't want to give anyone any excuse for more harassment of me. They already made it clear to me that they could and would make more trouble for me in my life. I wasn't arrested, but they certainly wanted to make me believe that they could have.

Now wait a minute, they claim they came into my house believing I was possibly being attacked by a vicious dog or dogs. So I am the alleged victim here, Right?. Yet there were no signs or sounds or anything whatsoever for anyone to even believe that claim. Something just isn't right here!

I can not help but believe that this was in some way or some part related to some events that occurred in 2007-2008 where I took animal control to task for tolerating and allowing a pit bull backyard breeding for dog fighting operation with over 20 dogs involved to go on next door to us after our continual complaints and begging for something to be done. I made an online journal documenting some of it while it was all going on but later I made it private, due to intimidation from the other idiots who are attacking me over things I have written in a journal. I recently made the dog journal public once again. It could have nothing what ever to do with it, but to me it is curious that I am being treated now like I am some how the problem and a trouble maker! Once they label you that way, they won't hear a word you say. Interesting that the same Animal Control guy that I wrote about in that journal also showed up here. They clearly did not like me asserting that I have rights involved here that I believed they clearly had trampled upon.

Since I wasn't arrested I can not sue them for abusive use of power or any emotional damages. I would however like to hear the real truth come out of them and to get an apology from the person in animal control who is responsible for this debacle and from the Police Officers who allegedly took her word as golden that she observed these vicious dogs! I have a pretty good idea already of who might have made the initial call, if one was made like they claim in the first place. I will deal with getting their story directly from them.

They claim it will come back to their assertion of where is the harm? We were doing our job and you were interfering. If you really were in danger aren't you at all glad we acted to help you? Yes, but if that was really their motive in the first place for the entry, then why wasn't the first thing out of their mouths, "oh so sorry to barge in, are you okay? We are just here checking to make sure." Those words never came out, not until offered up later when I said someone is lying here. If their story is true, then why didn't they exit my home immediately when asked to leave it? And why did it call for at least 4 cop cars and 2 animal control trucks?

Let us test their story: Their report will no doubt read something like this. We got a report of two vicious and dangerous dogs that were attacking people. A Black Pit Bull and a Brown Pit Bull. So we immediately responded to the call....(Think I will be able to get a copy of the real call that came in by Open Records Request?)

Just who was this vicious dog or dogs that they now claim to have believed were possibly in my house attacking us? A Black Lab female puppy that someone had abandoned in our neighborhood and that we took in to look after and feed and who had come to love us and we to love her. All of a sudden I am the bad guy for complaining about them being in our home uninvited, and asking them to leave. So next they forceably took the puppy away from us, breaking my grand daughter's heart and mine and for good measure they also threatened to cause me more trouble with other agencies and to take away my 2 Ducks too! Something just isn't right here!

Read more of my account and my notes and opinions here:

You can watch the cute video I made of these allegedly vicious dogs and the ducks and placed on youtube here before any of this happened:

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