Wednesday, June 27, 2012

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Monday, June 4, 2012

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Apparently Fourth Amendment no longer restricts police officers
Apparently according to the Indiana Supreme Court:

The Indiana Supreme Court this past week basically found that the Fourth Amendment no longer restricts police officers from entering a home without a valid warrant.  Traditional law dating back to the Magna Carta as well as the Fourth Amendment prohibit officers from entering one’s home without either permission or a valid search warrant issued by a court.  In Barnes v. State, however, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled that a police officer does not need permission from a homeowner to enter a dwelling even if the officer doesn’t have a warrant.

After reading stories now online, I have no doubt now that had I grabbed my video camera on my way up the stairs to see what all the commotion was about, I likely would have been arrested had I refused to turn it off. Apparently I would have needed their consent to document the events that unfolded, yet they do not believe they even needed my consent to enter my home!

Clearly there was no crime being committed that they were responding to prior to them entering our home, but how one reacts to their presence once they have already entered and their refusal to exit once they are inside your home and asked to leave, can somehow be turned into some kind of a crime. So was this a case of them seizing upon an opportunity at the urging of an animal control officer to save a life allegedly in possible harms way or just to possibly create a test case here in Georgia to hopefully get a similar favorable ruling from our courts giving them the right to do as they please? Their reaction to being asked to leave and their refusal to do so upon being asked to exit makes me really wonder now!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I want an apology from Animal Control and Gwinnett County Police!

I want an apology from Gwinnett County Animal Control for their failure to do anything when I called about the Pit Bull Dog Breeding operation going on next door to me in 2007-2008 but instead when they got their chance to get even with me for all of my complaints, they apparently took advantage of it.

They called in Gwinnett County Police Officers to bust into my home and once inside would not explain why they were there or leave when they were asked to do so. Later on when a Police Supervisor was called to the scene, they claimed they had followed these 2 allegedly vicious dogs into an open door and were trying to make sure that no one was being attacked inside the house.

Sounds like a good explaination on its face, however the problem with their story is that one, there were no vicious dogs, and two there was no signs or sounds whatsoever of anyone being in distress or calling for help, and three, the dogs were inside the house laying at my feet while I was working on my computer.

There was no blood trial in dog foot prints, no dogs growling or barking, no screams, no cry for help. There was nothing to cause Animal Control or the Police Officers to believe someone was in trouble inside of our home yet they came in the back door with weapons drawn. They would not leave when asked to, instead they demanded ID from us, threatened to arrest me for asking them to leave, threatened to take away our 2 pet Pekin ducks.    

I believe I was targeted for this kind of treatment by an Animal Control Officer, in part one, because I am a white person, two because apparently she did not like someone not coming to the door to answer her alleged knocks. (I was on the computer with my headphones on and could not hear any supposed knocks.) Three, because I made a fuss about Animal Controls failure to do anything about a previous next door neighbor who just happened to be black skinned, who was for six months operating an illegal bit bull breeding operation and was subjecting us to the god awful barking sounds of 20 dogs at all hours of the day and night from dogs who were not being fed or properly cared for.

See my journal from 2008 about these incidents here: 

I took video of these things that went on over a 6 month period, I called the police out, I called the animal control people out, I wrote letters to the owner of this rental property. I begged for these people to be given a citation, or for the suffering dogs to be taken away. I video taped the skin and bones condition of the dogs. I video taped the swollen sores on their faces. I video taped the middle of the night comings and goings when the dogs would be brought in under cover of darkness. I video taped the numerous vehicle and plate numbers and the people who came and went from this obvious drug dealing house. It was in the middle of winter and there was not even any power turned on to this house. There was no one actually living in the house. How many more signs did there actually need to be to justify Police barging into that house, for crying out loud?  

I finally got some relief from the Gwinnett Sheriff's office who I insisted must get involved but only after Gwinnet Animal Control and Gwinnet County Police apparently would do nothing. I was threatened with gang rape by these hoods living next door to me and they even attempted to run me down with their car, all of which I was able to capture on video, but still I could not get Gwinnet County to investigate and take any action or make an arrest.

This just isn't fair that I should have been treated so completely differently, meaning they could freely barge into my home using the Police and possibly just because I happen to be white skin colored and because I was willing to document their obvious failures when it came to these black skin colored people.

Is this a case of Animal Control and Police power abuse in the form of a reverse color discrimination against white people? White people don't have the advantage of being able to claim race discrimination, so their rights can be freely trampled upon or something?

Granted, I was not arrested, but I was threatened with arrest if I would not turn over the dogs. I was given no choice but to turn over the dogs that were inside my home and had done nothing to threaten or harm anyone! I want to see the reports that were written up about this incident and I want them to be supplemented or corrected if they contain any lies about how this whole event happened. I will not tolerate anything being in any official reports that claims that I did anything wrong or that attempts to label me as some kind of a problem.

I want an apology for this excessive use of force and the threats and attempt at intimidation and bullying of me! None of that was ever called for in this situation. They were the ones in the wrong here!

Who is this allegedly vicious dog they claim they needed to protect us from?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Unauthorized Gwinnett County Police entry into my home!

Let me tell you I had a very traumatic day yesterday!

And some how I don't think I have even begun to see the end of what I will have to call nothing less than an abusive use of power not only by the Gwinnett Police Dept. but by Gwinnett Animal Control....

More of the rest of the story to come soon! Mad Evil or Very Mad Sad scratch  My notes on these events are now posted here.